The Cosmic Conspiracy - Day 3 - The IMs

Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 before this.

Malini is online.
Pooja: hey malu, finally i get u ol...congrats!

Malini: oh...thx poo :) held up wid work at off so cudn't come ol yest..

Pooja: u guys nevr told me..kept it under wraps all dis tym...infact i was shockd 2 see abhi's message on twitter!!

Malini: hmm..our parents hadn't approved till recently...

Pooja: at least u cud've given a small hint...neither of u cared to tell me...i get to knw only 4m a social networking site lyk everybody else...:(

Malini: sorry poo..didn't expect abhi's tweet to reach u bfore me...he did dat in his excitement when his parents finally gave da approval

Pooja: wateva..anyways this is da most pleasant surprise i've got in recent times....
congrats again malu!!

Malini: thank u poo...
rahul too told da same thing...even he cudn't contain his excitement...:)

Sent at 8:41 AM on Wednesday

Malini: u getting ready 4 office? catch u l8r then...

Sent at 8:52 AM on Wednesday

Pooja: sorry, got a call 4m office 2day..
i mean am working 4m home 2day...

Malini: good 4 u into some serious blogging dese days...

Pooja: actually i was a little skeptical about how you'd react to my post...
rahul almost made me feel guilty for ur turning down 1 of our senior's proposal.
but now i undersand dat da real reason was abhi...

Malini: senior's proposal? which senior?

Pooja: abhishek. he was rahul's roomie.

Malini: oh him! do u know him?

Pooja: not really...well, he once sent me a note telling that he had a crush on me. i didn't bother to reply. i guess later he came after u.

Malini: u think that i declined him coz of abhi?

Pooja: yeah..isn't it so?

Malini: nopes! n 4 ur info, he was nevr after me in da first place.
he was interested in u poo! only u..

Pooja: wat???....den why did he come to u? 4 recommendation?

Malini: if dat was his intention, he cud've easily asked rahul. why approach me?

Pooja: then?

Malini: he just wanted to share his feelings wid sumone close to u...
i listened to him and he said he felt better...after that i didn't see much of him...

Pooja: hmm..he cud've directly approached me if he was really serious...

Malini: not when u had da habit of completely ignoring ppl who didn't matter to u.

Pooja: but how was i supposed 2 knw?

Malini: anyways, i got to knw dis also dat he spoke to ur parents over da phone...

Pooja: wat????? my parents??? why did he do that??
and u never told me??

Malini: u mean i never recommended? why wud u need 2 knw abt sumone whom u had no interest in?
and wat abt ur parents? didn't they evr tell u?

Pooja: no...they nevr told abt such an incident

Malini: hmm...i had thot of telling u but he requestd me nevr to...besides, wat difference cud it've made whn u were least dat u urself hav brot up dis topic, am telling u all dis....

Sent at 9:15 AM on Wednesday

Malini: poo, am off 2 sleep nw...hav 2 get up early tomm

Pooja: malu, do u knw wat he talkd wid my parents?

Malini: no idea..i nevr askd him....
r u still thinkng abt it? it's been ages since we left collg.
ok poo, gtg nw....have a nice day! tk care...

Pooja: u2...sweet dreams...gnite!

Sent at 9:21 AM on Wednesday


R-A-J said...
May 24, 2012 at 9:58 PM

Amazing.. the story now curdles.. :)

Somehow I hav this feelin that Rahul is involved too but I cud b wrong :)

Great story Punam.. really gt me interested... now off to part 4 :)